Tile Racer 0.702
- fixed CEGUI bug
- Linux: added missing debug information
Tile Racer 0.701
- new Ogre Version (fixed NVidia OpenGL bug)
- new CEGUI version
- logfiles: added more debug information
- fixed advanced sky fallback
- added missing texture files
Tile Racer 0.70
- input options dialog
- redesigned editor gui
- terrain lightmap
- track object lightmaps
- perpixel lighting for cars
- add physic shapes for trees
- paging of all static physic objects
- automatic rotation of track meshes
- new input system
- gearbox: added clutch support
- logfiles: added more debug information
- catching failing effects (HDR, Advanced Sky)
- smoothed some physic meshes (banked road corners, ...)
Tile Racer 0.65
- Shadow Car
- crash sounds
- music player / music
- seperated volume control for music and sound effects
- new tiles (tunnel, elevated roads, new banked roads, small corners, road ends)
- brake lights
- new options dialog
- new config file system
- PhysX check
- fallbacks for older hardware (HDR, motion blur, ...)
- gearbox: improved automated shifting
- fixed reset bug
- improved restart race
- fixed LAva font bug
- fixed sound bug on windows with older sound hardware
- fixed physic sync (using interpolation)
- improved steering behaviour
- save folder in home directory / application data
- fixed highscore bug (windows)
- 3 seconds countdown with synced beep sound
Tile Racer 0.80 - 1.00
- splitscreen mode
- ingame options menu
- AI drivers
- more cars
- more game play modes
- Stunts track importer
- new countdown graphics
- new menu graphics
- tachometer
- realtime reflexions on cars
- lensflare
- advanced skybox
- dirtmap for cars
- scratchmap for cars
- replay