RC 1 of Tile Racer 0.65
After a month of work we
finally present the new release candidate of Tile Racer. We made a
lot of bug fixes and added a bunch of new features (crash sounds,
HDR, Shadow Car, new track tiles, ...). For all improvements have a
look at the changelog.
Some of you may have noticed, that the download of Tile Racer was blocked for a few hours in November. Our webhost locked the downloads, because we had over 32000 downloads and we are not allowed to use our web space for massive downloads. We moved the content and everything is working again.

Some of you may have noticed, that the download of Tile Racer was blocked for a few hours in November. Our webhost locked the downloads, because we had over 32000 downloads and we are not allowed to use our web space for massive downloads. We moved the content and everything is working again.

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